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Avatar Author 08 Mar 2024

Understanding Group Therapy & Its Benefits

“One of the most valuable things we can do to heal one another is listen to each other’s stories”.

- Rebecca Falls


Welcome to the circle of wellness. Group therapy does not limit itself to conversations in a closed room; it is a transformational journey of an individual, encompassing self-discovery, support, and personal growth. 

In this blog post, we'll learn more about the concept of group therapy, its diverse types, and its powerful impact on the lives of those seeking a sense of connection, understanding, and transformation. If you’re already a part of this wellness circle, why wait longer? Let’s begin!


Group Therapy


Group Therapy Explained

You must have heard people say that the most comforting thing to hear is ‘me too’. Well, the idea behind Group Therapy is something similar. Also known as psychotherapy or talk therapy, group therapy is just another mode of treatment, where patients try tackling their emotional challenges in a group setting.

This form of therapy is generally provided by one or more trained therapists, with meetings extending until an hour and a half or 2 hours, once or twice a week. While some are open groups welcoming everyone, others are closed groups that comprise only a specific set of people.


Types of Group Therapy

Group therapy is a diverse landscape. As discussed earlier, this blog post will help you explore the various types of group therapy, each uniquely designed to address different needs and objectives. From supportive circles to skill-building sessions, this approach is fit for every individual who seeks connection, insight, and transformation. 

Let’s check out 6 types of group therapy and discover a new and fulfilling path to self-discovery and healing.


1. Psychoeducational Groups

In these groups, patients are provided education & information about specific issues like stress management, mental health disorders, or coping mechanisms. 

2. Support Groups

Individuals who face similar challenges or life situations come together to provide mutual support, empathy, and a sense of understanding. 

3. Interpersonal Process Groups

These groups are more focused on exploring & enhancing one’s interpersonal relationships & communication patterns within a group setup. 

4. Cognitive-Behavioral Groups

Participants learn cognitive-behavioral techniques to identify their negative thoughts & behaviors, and learn to change them accordingly. 

5. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Groups

These groups teach important skills like managing one’s emotions, improving interpersonal relationships, & behavior regulation, techniques used to treat borderline personality disorder. 

6. Expressive Therapy Groups

Expressive Therapy Groups make use of creative mediums like art, music, or drama used to facilitate emotional expression & exploration. 


Group Therapy


Benefits of Group Therapy

Whether you’re working your way through life’s challenges, looking for personal growth, or simply seeking to build a connection, group therapy offers you the perfect platform for healing and self-growth. From manifesting harmony and understanding to providing effective tools to cope up with life’s ups and downs, group therapy offers an extensive range of benefits that go beyond the therapy room.

Let’s look at the top 6 benefits of group therapy and discover several modalities, and understand how it can empower you to lead a healthy lifestyle.


1. Mutual Support and Understanding

Group therapy lets you not feel alone as you share your experiences and foster a sense of common understanding, thereby lessening the feeling of stigma and isolation. 

2. Diverse Perspectives

Individuals are exposed to several perspectives & coping mechanisms which ultimately challenge assumptions, fuel new ways of thinking and strategies for problem solving. 

3. Increased Self-awareness

When you interact with others, you develop an insight into your own thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. You will gain a deeper sense of self-awareness, and build an understanding of your strengths and areas of improvement. 

4. Learning and Skill Development

Group therapy sessions often include skill-building exercises which allow you to learn new coping mechanisms, communication strategies, and problem-solving techniques that may be applicable in your daily lives. 

5. Opportunity for Feedback and Validation

Members in a group therapy session have the opportunities for feedback and validation which enhances one’s self-esteem and boosts confidence, helping them to feel heard, accepted, and understood. 

6. Real-life Application

Through group therapy, you have access to a safe and comforting space to practice interpersonal skills, resolve conflicts, and set boundaries in real-time. Thus, you can learn to apply what you have learnt, even outside the group setting. 


As can be seen, in group therapy, you talk about your own experiences rather than a therapist acting as your facilitator or moderator.

One of the biggest networks of professional Counsellors and Psychologists around the globe, Counsel India offers you Practical and Simplified Psychology Courses with a Mental Health Support Platform. For more interesting reads, follow Counsel India or drop us an email at  


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